Support Aircraft at Lincoln AFB
In addition to the main 'tactical' aircraft that operated at Lincoln, a varied number of smaller aircraft served at Lincoln in many roles. Some 'rated' pilots serving at Lincoln did not fly the B-47 or KC-97, so a number of 'proficiency' aircraft were available to them to maintain their skills. Small transports (or larger in the case of the C-47) also served the base in a number of ways - everything from flying in urgent parts to even medical support. Lastly, A SAC Aero Club was also located on base offering flight lessons to those interested using smaller "hobby" aircraft such as the Piper Cub.

Base flight aircraft at Lincoln after the 307th Bomb Wing had departed (probably April 1965 time period). Along with a U-6 Beaver that supported Lincoln missile sites, two T-33 jet trainers are seen along with a T-37 Tweet trainer. Aircraft in the distance likely belonged to the SAC Aero Club, an off-duty flying club that could be found at many SAC bases. (Photo courtesy Ken Fisher)

U-6 in flight
The U-6A Beaver
Utilized primarily to support the 551st Strategic Missile Squadron, this smaller single-engined transport often lifted missile crews to and from the silos. Small airstrips were constructed near the silos so that the aircraft could land. Initially H-19 helicopters were utilized but by 1963 the Beaver was introduced to offer a more economical and robust transport.
The Beaver often transported crews more distant sites such as Nebraska City, Tecumseh, Beatrice, Wilber, and York. A memorable incident occurred in November 1964 when a U-6 collided with power lines near the Nebraska City Atlas missile site and crashed claiming the lives of all on board.
C-45H Expeditor at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force (USAF Photo)
Beech C-45 Expeditor
A military variant of the Beech 18 small transport, this aircraft is mentioned a few times in the annals of Lincoln Air Force Base history. Two officers flew one of these aircraft to the Mayo clinic in Minnesota to retrieve an organ transplant for a needy recipient in Lincoln, creating a small public relations coup for the Air Force. At least one C-45G and one C-45H were available in base flight through the late 1950s. Wikipedia notes that the C-45 was employed by SAC and utilized until 1963.
VB-25N Mitchell (USAF Photo)
North American B-25 Mitchell
The same bomber made famous by the Doolittle mission over Tokyo in 1942, the B-25 was in its military twilight years in the 1950s and most units disposed of them by 1959. The Mitchell never served as a bomber at Lincoln, but rather a proficiency aircraft and a fast transport. Flying the aircraft helped rated pilots at Lincoln not associated with the B-47 or KC-97 maintain their flight proficiency.

C-47 Gooney Bird at Lincoln (Photo courtesy Marion "Farmer" Brown)
The C-47 Gooney Bird
Another famous World War II veteran, the C-47 supported medium transport needs at Lincoln for many years. In fact the last C-47 wasn't phased out of Air Force service until 1972.
USAF "Blue Canoe" likely at Wright-Patterson AFB (USAF Photo)
U-3 "Blue Canoe" (Cessna 310)
At least one of these aircraft was operated by base flight during the 1960s (as reported through 307th Bomb Wing history). Probably utilized for light transport/liaison duties.

H-19 taking off at Lincoln, May 1959 (Everett Hilfiker Collection)
The H-19 Chickasaw
Arrived at Lincoln to support the missile silos, the H-19 served between 1959 and 1963 at Lincoln when it had been replaced by the U-6 Beaver. At least 8 helicopters served at Lincoln.

An example of a T-33 Shooting Star in Strategic Air Command colors at the SAC Museum
Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star
The standard jet-trainer of the 1950s and early 1960s, the T-33 was based off of the F-80 single-seat fighter. A few of these aircraft served at Lincoln likely as a proficiency aircraft into the mid-60s.