551st Strategic Missile Squadron

551st Strategic Missile Squadron (Atlas-F)
Activated: April 1, 1961
Re-assigned: January 1, 1964 (to 98th Strategic Aerospace Wing, 818th Strategic Aerospace Division)
Re-assigned: January 1, 1964 (to 98th Strategic Aerospace Wing, 818th Strategic Aerospace Division)
Re-assigned: March 25, 1965 (to 98th Strategic Aerospace Wing, 810th Strategic Aerospace Division)
Inactivated: June 25, 1965
A History of the 551st SMS
Site Construction Photos
Siloworld 551st SMS Construction Photos
Missile Sites:
A History of the 551st SMS
Site Construction Photos
Siloworld 551st SMS Construction Photos
Missile Sites:
551st SMS Documents
551st SMS Activation Paper
551st SMS Various Engineering Documents
Atlas-F 551st SMS Construction History #1
Atlas-F 551st SMS Construction History #2
Atlas-F 551st SMS Construction History #3
"The Bird In The Other Room" 551st SMS article by AF Magazine Sept 1972
551st Site Plan Document
Atlas-F ICBM Docmuents
(Thanks to Siloworld!)
(Thanks to Siloworld!)
Atlas Technical Order -Dash-1
(Atlas Missile Owner's Manual, technical data on missile system)
Atlas-F Full-Scale Silo Mock-up Photographic Record
Atlas-F Data Sheet (Declassified)
SAC Missile Chronology 1939-1988
Atlas-F Betchel Report (summary of missile)
Atlas-F Silo-Lift summary
Civil Engineering/Silo Construction Summary
"What We Are Doing With Former Launch Complexes" 1967 Article
Air Force Logistics Command First-Generation ICBM Phase-Out
Atlas-F Deactivation Technical Procedures
Excerpts of Atlas Missile Phase-Out
SBAMA First-Generation ICBM Phase-Out History
SBAMA Equipment Removal Plan Atlas-F
Ground Operation Equipment List Atlas-F
Ground Support Equipment List Atlas-F
Atlas-F Student Study Guide
Atlas-F Launch Checklist
Atlas Missile Disposition
Atlas-F Missile Numbers
Atlas-F Service Salvage Brochure
USAF Plan of Action for First-Generation ICBM Phase-Out
Atlas Base Activation
Atlas Squadron Locations
Missile Course/Facility Orientation Student Guide
Missile Air-frame Orientation Student Guide
Silo Diagrams - Summary for Activation Personnel
Atlas-F Site Escape Hatch Diagram
Atlas-F / 551st BIG data documents/books
The Development of Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force 1945-1960 -By Jacob Neufeld (39 mb file)
To Defend and Deter: The Legacy of the United States Cold War Missile Program (69mb file)
From Snark to Peacemaker: A pictorial history of SAC's Missile Force (20mb file)