Dave Albanese served with the 818th Combat Defense Squadron.
- Was there during Missile Crisis, deployed to Niagara Falls base w/ B-47's for security also Atlas site for security
- We were deployed to NFAFB about 6 B-47s went there as memory serves me I was there until about the end of Nov. One good thing is my home town is only 50 miles from there and I was able to go home for thanksgiving. It was a very exciting time being young and gung ho. Also We were the very first Security police to guard the brand new Atlas Missile sites as they just opened when was at Lincoln (I'm almost positive about that)
- I just had a we more memories come back while thinking
- Was there during Missile Crisis, deployed to Niagara Falls base w/ B-47's for security also Atlas site for security
- We were deployed to NFAFB about 6 B-47s went there as memory serves me I was there until about the end of Nov. One good thing is my home town is only 50 miles from there and I was able to go home for thanksgiving. It was a very exciting time being young and gung ho. Also We were the very first Security police to guard the brand new Atlas Missile sites as they just opened when was at Lincoln (I'm almost positive about that)
- I just had a we more memories come back while thinking
about our deployment to NOVEMBER during missile crisis. We flew there onC-54's from MATS command on way back we flew in KC-97...We ran in to bad weather on way
back to Lincoln after deployment and had to land at Selfridge AFB in
Michigan, not sure about spelling of base, but we landed on emergency
landing as we were so low on fuel as we want as far as Offut after Lincoln
was shut down and then had to turn back to Michigan base was in the air
for many hours sitting on Floor and canvas seats. Was quite an
experience. When we landed about midnight they opened mess hall and fed us all.
Left early in the Am for Lincoln. Just another memory!!