98th Field Maintenance Squadron
Mission: Utilizing shops in and around Lincoln's massive north hangar, 98th Field Maintenance members were highly skilled technicians and mechanics who repaired and maintained Lincoln's aircraft. Some of these mechanics included reciprocating and jet engine mechanics who helped maintain the power-plants of the aircraft but other specialties included the repair of fuel-cells, sheet-metal, many electrical systems, hydraulics, propellers and ground-power equipment.Sheet-metal, jet-engine, reciprocating engine and paint specialties had their own shops outside of the large-north hangar.
Not to be confused with the Organizational/Periodic Maintenance Squadrons, the FMS performed more specialized maintenance and repair tasks which often tended to involve removing the aircraft from the flight-line and into the hangar.
E-mail me at lafb@lincolnafb.org to be posted on the roster

One of the shops operated by the 98th FMS Credit: Larry Mau

A group photograph of some 98th FMS technicians Credit: Larry Mau

A few mechanics servicing a reciprocating engine (propeller-driven aircraft) Credit: Larry Mau

Looking at a mounted KC-97 engine, a Pratt & Whitney R-4360-59 Wasp Major. At a rated 3500hp this was a very powerful engine. Credit: Larry Mau

Another shot of the Wasp Major mounted on a truck-bed either on its way or from a KC-97 Credit: Larry Mau